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Conférence internationale du Travail: 31st - 35th Sessions


31st Session - 1948 (17 June-10 July) 

San Francisco, USA

President and Vice-Presidents Composition Agenda Outcomes


Mr Justin Godart, French Government delegate


Mr Nurullah Esat Sumer, Turkish Government delegate

Mr H. C. Oersted, Danish employers' delegate

Mr Percy R. Bengough, President of the Trades and Labour Congress of Canada

Source: Minutes of the First Sitting.

The number of States Members represented at the Conference was 51. The total number of delegates was 167, including 91 Government delegates, 36 Employers' delegates, and 40 Workers' delegates. The total number of delegates and advisers was 443.

Source: Report of the Credentials Committee. 

I. Director-General's Report;

II. Financial and budgetary questions;

III. Reports on the application of Conventions;

IV. Employment service organisation (second discussion) and revision of the Convention (No. 34) concerning fee-charging employment agencies, 1933;

V. Vocational guidance (first discussion);

VI. Wages

(a) General report (preliminary discussion);

(b) Fair wages clauses in public contracts (first discussion);

(c) Protection of wages (first discussion);

VII. Freedom of association and protection of the right to organise (single discussion);

VIII. Application of the principles of the right to organise and to bargain collectively, collective agreements, conciliation and arbitration, and cooperation between public authorities and employers' and workers' organisations (first discussion);

IX. Partial revision of the Night Work (Women) Convention, 1919, and of the Night Work (Women) Convention (Revised), 1934;

X. Partial revision of the Night Work of Young Persons (Industry) Convention, 1919;

XI. Substitution for the provisions of the Night Work (Women) Convention (Revised), 1934, and of the Night Work of Young Persons (Industry) Convention, 1919, contained in the Schedule to the Labour Standards (Non-metropolitan Territories) Convention, 1947, of the corresponding provisions of the revising Conventions now proposed;

XII. Privileges and immunities of the International Labour Organisation.

The Thirty-first Session of the International Labour Conference held nineteen plenary sittings and adopted an Instrument of Amendment, a Recommendation and four Conventions:

  • Instrument for the Amendment of the Schedule to the Labour Standards (Non-Metropolitan Territories) Convention, 1947
  • Recommendation (No. 83) concerning the Organisation of the Employment Service
  • Convention (No. 87) concerning Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise
  • Convention (No. 88) concerning the Organisation of the Employment Service
  • Convention (No. 89) concerning Night Work of Women Employed in Industry (Revised 1948)
  • Convention (No. 90) concerning the Night Work of Young Persons Employed in Industry (Revised 1948)
Questionnaire and Reports submitted to the Conference Reports of the Committees and the Governing Body Texts Adopted Other Documents

Questionnaire VII: Freedom of association and protection of the right to organise

Report I: Report of the Director-General

Report II: Financial and Budgetary Matters

Report III

Report IV (1): Employment service organisation

Report IV (2): Employment service organisation

Report V (1): Vocational Guidance

Report V (2): Vocational Guidance

Report VI (a): Wages: General report

Report VI (b) (1): Wages: fair wages clauses in public contracts

Report VI (b) (2): Wages: fair wages clauses in public contracts

Report VI (c) (1): Wages: Protection of Wages

Report VI (c) (2): Wages: Protection of Wages

Report VII: Freedom of association and protection of the right to organise

Report VIII (1): Industrial Relations

Report VIII (2): Industrial Relations

Report IX: Partial revision of the convention (no. 4) concerning employment of women during the night (1919) and of the convention (no. 41) concerning employment of women during the night (revised 1934)

Report X: Partial revision of the convention (no. 6) concerning the night work of young persons employed in industry (1919)

Report XI: Substitution for the provisions of the convention (no. 41) concerning employment of women during the night (revised 1934) and of the convention (no. 6) concerning the night work of young persons employed in industry (1919) contained in the schedule to the convention (no. 83)

Report XII: Privileges and immunities of the International Labour Organisation

Reports I and II of the Committee on Freedom of Association and Industrial Relations

Report III of the Committee on Freedom of Association and Industrial Relations

Reports I, II and III of the Committee on Freedom of Association and Industrial Relations: second discussion in plenary

Report I of the Committee on Wages

Report I of the Committee on Wages: first discussion in plenary

Report III of the Committee on Wages

Report IV of the Committee on Wages: first discussion in plenary

Report of the Governing Body of the International Labour Office upon the working of the Convention (No. 6) concerning the night work of young persons employed in industry (1919)

Report of the Governing Body of the International Labour Office upon the working of the Convention (No. 34) concerning fee-charging employment agencies (1933)

Report of the Governing Body of the International Labour Office upon the working of the convention (no. 41) concerning employment of women during the night (revised 1934) and of the convention (no.4) concerning employment of women during the night (1919)

C87 Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention

Convention on the privileges and immunities of the specialised agencies and annex to the convention relating to the International Labour Organisation

Final Record Vote on the Convention concerning Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise

Record vote on the resolution placing on the agenda of the next general session of the Conference the question of labour clauses in public contracts

Record vote on the Resolution placing on the agenda of the next general session of the Conference the question of protection of wages

Resolutions Adopted

Record of Proceedings

The ILO and the problem of freedom of association and industrial relations

32nd Session - 1949 (8 June-2 July) 

Geneva, Switzerland

President and Vice-Presidents Composition Agenda Outcomes


Mr Guildhaume Myrddin-Evans, representative of the United Kingdom


Mr Pierre Dupong, Government delegate of Luxembourg

Mr Pierre Edouard Michel Waline, Employer's Delegate of France

Mr Bernardo Ibáñez Águila, Worker's Delegate of Chile.

Source: Minutes of the First Sitting.

The number of States Members represented at the Conference was 50. The total number of delegates was 180, including 94 Government delegates, 43 Employers' delegates and 43 Workers' delegates. The total number of delegates and advisers was 541. 

Source: Report of the Credentials Committee. 

I. Director-General's Report;

II. Financial and budgetary questions;

III. Reports on the application of Conventions;

IV. Application of the principles of the right to organise and to bargain collectively (second discussion);

V. Industrial relations, comprising collective agreements, conciliation and arbitration, and co-operation between public authorities and employers' and workers' organisations (first discussion);

VI. Labour clauses in public contracts (second discussion);

VII. Protection of wages (second discussion);

VIII. Wages: General report;

IX. Vocational guidance (second discussion);

X. Revision of the Fee-Charging Employment Agencies Convention, 1933;

XI. Migration for Employment: Revision of the Migration for Employment Convention, 1939, the Migration for Employment Recommendation, 1939, and the Migration for Employment (Co-operation between States) Recommendation, 1939;

XII. Partial revision of the Social Security (Seafarers) Convention, 1946 (No. 70), the Paid Vacations (Seafarers) Convention, 1946 (No. 72), the Accommodation of Crews Convention, 1946 (No. 75), and the Wages, Hours of Work and Manning (Sea) Convention, 1946 (No. 76) in respect of the questions specified: (1) Social Security (Seafarers) Convention, 1946 (No. 70) in respect of the amount and duration of allowances (Article 3, paragraph 2);
(2) Paid Vacations (Seafarers) Convention, 1946 (No. 72) in respect of: 
(a) continuous service (Article 3, paragraph 1); (b) subsistence allowances (Article 5, paragraph 2);
(3) Accommodation of Crews Convention, 1946 (No. 75) in respect of:
(a) variation of the provisions of the Convention concerning experimental ships (Article 1); (b) ventilation of crew quarters (Article 7, paragraph 3);
(e) the maximum number of ratings in sleeping rooms (Article 10, paragraph 10); (d) the arrangement of berths in tiers (Article 10, paragraph 14); (e) the application of the Convention to existing ships (Article 18);
(4) Wages, Hours of Work and Manning (Sea) Convention, 1946 (No. 76) in respect of
(a) consistent working of overtime (Article 18, paragraph 1);
(b) the period for denunciation of Convention (Article 27);
(5) Substitution, for the standard articles of the existing Conventions, of standard articles corresponding to those to be included, in the other Conventions, at the 32nd Session of the Conference.

The Thirty-second Session of the International Labour Conference held twenty-three plenary sittings and adopted four Recommendations and eight Conventions:

Reports submitted to the Conference Reports of the Committees and the Governing Body Texts Adopted Other Documents

Report I: Report of the Director-General

Report II: Financial and Budgetary Matters

Report III

Report IV (1): Application of the principles of the right to organise and to bargain collectively

Report IV (2): Application of the principles of the right to organise and to bargain collectively

Report V (Supplement): Industrial relations: collective agreements, conciliation and arbitration, cooperation between public authorities and employers' and workers' organisations

Report VI (1): Labour clauses in public contracts

Report VI (2): Labour clauses in public contracts

Report VII (1): Protection of Wages

Report VII (2): Protection of Wages

Report IX (1): Vocational Guidance

Report IX (2): Vocational Guidance

Report X (1): Revision of the fee-charging employment agencies convention, 1933

Report X (2): Revision of the fee-charging employment agencies convention, 1933

Report XI (1): Migration for employment: revision of the migration for employment convention, 1939, the migration for employment recommendation, 1939, and the migration for employment (co-operation between states) recommendation, 1939

Report XI (2): Migration for employment: revision of the migration for employment convention, 1939, the migration for employment recommendation, 1939, and the migration for employment (co-operation between states) recommendation, 1939

Report XII: Partial revision of four conventions adopted by the 28th ( maritime) session of the conference, Seattle, 1946

Principles of the right to organise and to bargain collectively: second discussion in plenary

Report of the Committee on Industrial Relations

Report I of the committee on migration for employment: third discussion in plenary

Report I of the Committee on Wages: Labour clauses in public contracts

Report I of the Committee of Wages: second discussion in plenary

Report II of the Committee of Wages: second discussion in plenary

Report II of the Committee of Wages

Report III of the Committee of Wages

Report of the Governing Body of the International Labour Office on the working of the convention (no. 1) limiting the hours of work in industrial undertakings to eight in the day and forty-eight in the week, 1919

Report of the Governing Body of the International Labour Office on the working of the Convention (No. 14) concerning the application of the weekly rest in industrial undertakings, 1921

Report of the Governing Body of the International Labour Office on the working of the Convention (No. 19) concerning equality of treatment for national and foreign workers as regards workmen's compensation for accidents, 1925

Report of the Governing Body of the International Labour Office on the working of the Convention (No. 20) concerning night work in bakeries, 1925

Report of the Governing Body of the International Labour Office on the working of the Convention (No. 21) concerning the simplification of the inspection of emigrants on board ship, 1926

Report of the Governing Body of the International Labour Office on the working of the Convention (No.29) concerning forced or compulsory labour, 1930

Reports of the Selection Committee

C94 Labour Clauses (Public Contracts) Convention, 1949

C95 Protection of Wages Convention, 1949

C97 Migration for Employment Convention (Revised), 1949

C98 Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention

Final vote on the Convention concerning the application of the principles of the right to organise and to bargain collectively

Final vote on the Migration for Employment Convention (Revised), 1949

Final vote on the Migration for Employment Recommendation (Revised), 1949

Final vote on the Convention concerning the protection of wages

Final vote on the Convention concerning labour clauses in public contracts

Final vote on the Recommendation concerning labour clauses in public contracts

Final vote on the Recommendation concerning the protection of wages

Record of Proceedings


33rd Session - 1950 (7 June-1 July) 

Geneva, Switzerland

President and Vice-Presidents Composition Agenda Outcomes


Mr Jagjivan Ram,  delegate of India


Mr Mohammad Nakhaï,  Government delegate of Iran

Mr Charles P. McCormick, Employer's delegate of the USA

Mr Paul C. Finet, Worker's delegate of Belgium.

Source: Minutes of the First Sitting.

The number of States Members represented at the Conference was 50. The total number of delegates was 180, including 96 Government delegates, 42 Employers' delegates and 42 Workers' delegates. The total number of delegates and advisers was 497.

Source: Report of the Credentials Committee. 

I. Director-General's Report;

II. Financial and budgetary questions;

III. Information and reports on the application of Conventions and Recommendations;

IV. Industrial relations, comprising collective agreements, conciliation and arbitration, and cooperation between public authorities and employers' and workers' organisations (first discussion);

V. Equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value (first discussion);

VI. Agricultural labour: general report;

VII. Minimum wage regulation in agriculture (first discussion);

VIII. Pro memoria. (The item "Holidays with pay in agriculture (first discussion)", previously placed on the agenda of this session, has been transferred to the agenda of the 34th (1951) Session of the Conference;

IX. Vocational training of adults, including disabled persons (single discussion).

The Thirty-third Session of the International Labour Conference held twenty-two plenary sittings and adopted a Recommendation:

Reports submitted to the Conference Reports of the Committees Texts Adopted Other Documents

Report I: Report of the Director-General

Report II: Financial and Budgetary Matters

Report III

Report IV (Supplement): Industrial Relations

Report V (1): Equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value

Report V (2): Equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value

Report VI: Labour problems in agriculture: general report

Report VII (1): Minimum wage fixing machinery in agriculture

Report VII (2): Minimum wage fixing machinery in agriculture

Report VIII (1): Holidays with pay in agriculture

Report VIII (2): Holidays with pay in agriculture

Report IX (1): Vocational training of adults, including disabled persons

Report IX (2) (Part I): Vocational training of adults, including disabled persons: replies of the governments

Report IX (2) (Part II): Vocational training of adults, including disabled persons: proceedings of the preparatory conference and proposed text

Report of the Committee on Equal Remuneration

Report of the Committee on Equal Remuneration: first discussion in plenary

Record vote on the Resolution concerning the placing on the agenda of the next general session of the Conference of the question of equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value

Resolution concerning the placing on the agenda of the next general session of the Conference of the question of equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value

Record of Proceedings

34th Session - 1951 (6-29 June) 

Geneva, Switzerland

President and Vice-Presidents Composition Agenda Outcomes


Mr William Rappard,  Swiss representative


Mr José E. García Aybar, Government delegate of the Dominican Republic

Mr William Gemmill, Employer's delegate of South Africa

Mr Aftab Ali, Worker's delegate of Pakistan

Source: Minutes of the First Sitting.

It brought together sixty countries, represented by 603 delegates and advisers. The number of delegates present was 214, consisting of 111 Government delegates, 52 Employers' delegates, and 51 Workers' delegates.

Source: Report of the Credentials Committee. 

I. Director-General's Report;

II. Financial and budgetary questions;

III. Information and reports on the application of Conventions and Recommendations;

IV. Objectives and minimum standards of social security (first discussion);

V. Industrial relations, including collective agreements and voluntary conciliation and arbitration (second discussion);

VI. Co-operation between public authorities and employers' and 'workers' organisations (first discussion);

VII. Equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value (second discussion);

VIII. Minimum wage fixing machinery in agriculture (second discussion);

IX. Holidays with pay in agriculture (first discussion).

The Thirty-fourth Session of the International Labour Conference held twenty-six plenary sittings, and adopted four Recommendations and two Conventions:

Reports submitted to the Conference Reports of the Committees Texts Adopted Other Documents

Report I: Report of the Director-General

Report II: Financial and Budgetary Matters

Report III

Report IV (1): Objectives and minimum standards of social security

Report IV (2): Objectives and minimum standards of social security

Report V (1): Industrial Relations

Report V (2): Industrial Relations

Report VI: Co-operation between public authorities and employers' and workers' organisations

Report VII (1): Equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value

Report VII (2): Equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value

Report VIII (1): Minimum wage fixing machinery in agriculture

Report VIII (2): Minimum wage fixing machinery in agriculture

Report IX (Supplementary): Holidays with pay in agriculture

Report of the Committee on Equal Remuneration

Report of the Committee on Equal Remuneration: second discussion in plenary

Report of the Committee on Social Security

Report of the Committee on Social Security: first discussion in plenary

Report of the Governing Body of the International Labour Office on the working of the Convention (No. 26) concerning the creation of minimum wage fixing machinery, 1928

Report of the Governing Body of the International Labour Office on the working of the Convention (No. 50) concerning the regulation of certain special systems of recruiting workers, 1936

Report of the Governing Body of the International Labour Office on the working of the Convention (No. 53) concerning the minimum requirement of professional capacity for masters and officers on board merchant ships, 1936

C100 Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951

Record vote on the amendment to the preamble of the proposed Convention concerning equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value

Recommendation 90 concerning equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value

Resolution concerning the placing on the agenda of the next general session of the Conference of the question of minimum standards of social security

Resolutions submitted by the Committee on Social Security

Record of Proceedings

35th Session - 1952 (4-28 June) 

Geneva, Switzerland

President and Vice-Presidents Composition Agenda Outcomes


Mr José de Segadas Vianna, delegate of Brazil


Mr Vyankatesh V. Dravid, Government delegate of India

Mr Julio B. Pons, Employer's delegate of Uruguay

Mr Georg Philip Delaney, Worker's delegate of the USA.

Source: Minutes of the First Sitting.

The Conference has brought together 654 delegates and advisers, representing 60 member States; and 40 observers and representatives of international organisations brought the total number of participants to 694.

Source: Report of the Credentials Committee. 

I. Report of the Director-General;

II. Financial and Budgetary Questions;

III. Information and Reports on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations;

IV. Holidays with Pay in Agriculture (second discussion);

V. Objectives and Standards of Social Security:

A. Minimum Standards of Social Security (second discussion);

B. Objectives and Advanced Standards of Social Security (first discussion);

VI. Co-operation between Public Authorities and Employers' and Workers' Organisations:

A. Co-operation at the Level of the Undertaking (second discussion of a proposed Recommendation concerning co-operation at the level of the undertaking and first discussion of a draft text containing, as model guiding principles, examples of good practice concerning consultation and co-operation);

B. Co-operation at the Level of the Industry and at the National Level (first discussion);

VII. Revision of the Maternity Protection Convention, 1919 (No. 3);

VIII. Protection of the Health of Workers in Places of Employment (first discussion);

IX. Regulation of the Employment of Young Persons in Underground Work in Coal Mines (general discussion, to be regarded as a first discussion if the Conference decides to proceed to draft international regulations on the subject for second discussion in 1953). 

The Thirty-fifth Session of the International Labour Conference held twenty-six plenary sittings, and adopted three Recommendations and three Conventions:

Reports submitted to the Conference Reports of the Committees Texts Adopted Other Documents

Report I: Report of the Director-General

Report II: Financial and Budgetary Matters

Report III

Report IV (1): Holidays with pay in agriculture

Report IV (2): Holidays with pay in agriculture

Report V (a) (1): Minimum standards of social security

Report V (a) (2): Minimum standards of social security

Report V (b): Objectives and advanced standards of social security

Report VI (a) (1): Co-operation between employers and workers at the level of the undertaking

Report VI (a) (2): Co-operation between employers and workers at the level of the undertaking

Report VII: Revision of the Maternity Protection Convention 1919 (no. 3)

Report VIII (1): Protection of the health of workers in places of employment

Report VIII (2): Protection of the health of workers in places of employment

Report IX (1): Protection of young workers employed underground in coal mines

Report IX (2): Protection of young workers employed underground in coal mines

Report of the Committee on Social Security

Report of the Committee on Social Security: second discussion in plenary

C102 Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952

Final vote on the Convention concerning minimum standards of social security

Resolution concerning objectives and advanced standards of social security

Resolution concerning the situation of aliens and migrant workers in the field of social security

Record of Proceedings