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Conférence internationale du Travail: 6th - 10th Sessions

Conference Documents

6th Session - 1924 (16 June-5 July)

Geneva, Switzerland


President and Vice-Presidents Composition Agenda Outcomes


Mr Hjalmar Branting, Parliamentary Secretary to the British Ministry of Labour


Dr Aristides de Agüero y Béthancourt, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Cuba

Mr Robert Pinot, French Employers' delegate

Mr Corneille Mertens, General Secretary of the Belgian Trade Union Committee, Belgian Workers' delegate

Source: Minutes of the First Sitting.

There were 291 members of the Conference from 40 countries; among them, 69 were delegates of their governments, 29 represented the employers' associations, 28 were from workers' organisations of their respective countries, and there were 165 technical advisers.

Source: Report of the Credentials Committee. 

I. Development of facilities for the utilisation of workers' leisure;

II. Equality of treatment for national and foreign workers as regards workmen's compensation for accidents;

III. Weekly suspension of work for twenty-four hours in glass-manufacturing processes where tank furnaces are used;

IV. Nightwork in bakeries.

The Sixth Session of the International Labour Conference held twenty-two plenary sittings and resulted in a Recommendation and three proposed Conventions:

  • Recommendation (No. 21) concerning the Development of Facilities for the Utilisation of Workers' Spare Time
  • Convention concerning Equality of Treatment for National and Foreign Workers as regards Workmen's Compensation for Accidents
  • Convention concerning the Weekly Suspension of Work for Twenty-four Hours in Glass-manufacturing Processes where Tank Furnaces are used
  • Convention on Night Work in Bakeries
Questionnaires and Reports submitted to the Conference Texts Adopted Other Documents

Questionnaire I: Development of Facilities for the Utilisation of Workers’ Leisure

Questionnaire II: Equality of Treatment for National and Foreign Workers as Regards Workmen’s Compensation for Accidents

Questionnaire III: Weekly Suspension of Work for Twenty-Four Hours in Glass- Manufacturing Processes Where Tank Furnaces Are Used

Questionnaire IV: Night Work in Bakeries

Report I: Development of Facilities for the Utilisation of Workers’ Leisure

Report II: Equality of Treatment for National and Foreign Workers as regards Workmen's Compensation for Accidents

Report III: Weekly Suspension of Work for 24 Hours in Glass- Manufacturing Processes Where Tank Furnaces Are Used

Report IV: Night Work in Bakeries

Report of the Director-General to the International Labour Conference

Report on the Institution of a Procedure for Amendment of Conventions

Resolutions Adopted Record of Proceedings


7th Session - 1925 (19 May-10 June) 

Geneva, Switzerland

President and Vice-Presidents Composition Agenda Outcomes


Doctor Edward Benes, formerly Prime Minister of Czechoslovakia


Mr Emilio Bello Codesido, Chilian Government delegate

Mr Charles Tzaut, delegate of the Swiss employers

Mr Edward Lawrence Poulton, J.P., Secretary of the British National Union of Boot and Shoe Operatives


Source: Minutes of the First Sitting.

There were 144 delegates present, of whom 80 represented their Governments, 32 the employers, and 32 the workers; 46 States were represented.

Source: Report of the Credentials Committee. 

I. Workmen's Compensation;

II. Equality of treatment for national and foreign workers as regards workmen's compensation for accidents (final vote on the Draft Convention and Recommendation adopted by a preliminary vote of the Conference at its Sixth Session);

III. Weekly suspension of work for twenty-four hours in glass-manufacturing processes where tank furnaces are used (final vote on the Draft Convention adopted by a preliminary vote of the Conference at its Sixth Session);

IV. Night work in bakeries (final vote on the Draft Convention adopted by a preliminary vote of the Conference at its Sixth Session).

The Seventh Session of the International Labour Conference held twenty-six plenary sittings and resulted in four Recommendations and four Conventions:

Questionnaire and Reports submitted to the Conference Texts Adopted Other Documents

Report of the Director-General to the International Labour Conference

Questionnaire: Workmen's Compensation

Report on Workmen’s Compensation

Final Vote: Equality of Treatment for National and Foreign Workers as Regards Workmen’s Compensation for Accidents

Final Vote: Night Work in Bakeries: Communications from Governments on the Proposed Draft Convention Provisionally Adopted by the Sixth Session of the Conference

Final Vote: Weekly Suspension of Work for Twenty-Four Hours in Glass- Manufacturing Processes Where Tank Furnaces Are Used

Resolutions Adopted

Record of Proceedings


Conference Documents

8th Session - 1926 (26 May-5 June)

Geneva, Switzerland

President and Vice-Presidents Composition Agenda Outcomes


Mr Nolens, Minister of State, Government Delegate of the Netherlands


H.E. Dr Agüero y Bethancourt, Government delegate of Cuba

Dr Hodac, Employers’ delegate of Czechoslovakia

Mr Müller, Workers’ delegate of Germany

Source: Minutes of the First Sitting.

Thirty-nine countries were represented at the Eighth Session of the Conference. The number of delegates sent from these States was 131, of which 71 were Government delegates, 29 employers' delegates and 31 workers' delegates. The Conference also included 8 substitute delegates, of which 6 were Government substitutes and 2 employers' substitutes, and 107 technical advisers. The total number of persons who attended the Conference either as titular or substitute delegates or technical advisers was 246.

Source: Report of the Credentials Committee. 

I. The simplification of the inspection of emigrants on board ship.

The Eighth Session of the International Labour Conference held fourteen plenary sittings and resulted in a Recommendation and a Convention adopted:

Questionnaire and Reports submitted to the Conference Texts Adopted Other Documents

Report of the Director-General to the International Labour Conference

Questionnaire: Simplification of the Inspection of Emigrants on Board Ship

Report on Simplification of the Inspection of Emigrants on Board Ship

Resolutions Adopted

Record of Proceedings Vol. I

Record of Proceedings Vol. I

9th Session - Maritime Conference - 1926 (7-24 June)

Geneva, Switzerland

President and Vice-Presidents Composition Agenda Outcomes


Viscount Burnham, British Government delegate 


Mr Bandiera de Mello, Brazilian Government delegate

Mr. de Rousiers, French Employers' delegate

Mr Mahlman, Belgian Workers' delegate

Source: Minutes of the First Sitting.

Thirty-eight countries were represented at the Ninth Session of the Conference; compared with the Eighth Session; only Switzerland declared no maritime interests, it did not consider it necessary to be represented at the Conference. The number of delegates was 129, including 70 Government delegates, 29 employers' delegates, and 30 workers' delegates. There were 21 substitute delegates, including 12 for the Governments, 4 for the employers, and 4 for the workers. There were 121 technical advisers, of whom 50 represented the Governments, 32 the employers, and 39 the workers. The total number of persons accredited to the Conference as regular or substitute delegates or technical advisers was 271.

Source: Report of the Credentials Committee. 

I. The international codification of rules relating to seamen's articles of agreement;

II. General principles for the inspection of conditions of work of seamen.

The Ninth Session of the International Labour Conference held seventeen plenary sittings and adopted two Recommendations and two Conventions:

Questionnaires and Reports submitted to the Conference Texts Adopted Other Documents

Questionnaire I: International Codification of the Rules Relating to Seamen’s Articles of Agreement

Questionnaire II: General Principles for the Inspection of the Conditions of Work of Seamen

Report I: International Codification of the Rules Relating to Seamen’s Articles of Agreement

Report II: General Principles for the Inspection of the Conditions of Work of Seamen

Resolutions Adopted

Record of Proceedings


10th Session - 1927 (25 May-16 June)

Geneva, Switzerland

President and Vice-Presidents Composition Agenda Outcomes


Sir Atul Chatterjee, Indian Government delegate,


Mr de Michelis, Italian Government delegate

Mr Oersted, Danish Employers' delegate

Mr Francisco Largo Caballero, Spanish Workers' delegate.

Source: Minutes of the First Sitting.

Forty-three countries were represented at the Conference. There were 145 delegates, including 80 Government delegates, 34 employers' delegates, and 31 workers' delegates. In addition, there were 24 substitute delegates, including 18 substitutes for Government delegates, 3 substitutes for employers' delegates, and 3 substitutes for workers' delegates, as well as 166 advisers and 6 substitute advisers. The total number of persons accredited to the Conference as regular or substitute delegates or advisers was 341.

Source: Report of the Credentials Committee. 

I. Sickness Insurance;

II. Freedom of Association;

III. Minimum wage fixing machinery in trades in which organisation of employers and workers is defective and where wages are exceptionally low, with special reference to the home working trades.

The Tenth Session of the International Labour Conference held twenty-three plenary sittings and adopted a Recommendation and two Draft Conventions:

Questionnaires and Reports submitted to the Conference Texts Adopted Other Documents

Report of the Director-General to the International Labour Conference

Questionnaire I: Sickness Insurance

Report I: Sickness Insurance

Report II and Draft Questionnaire: Freedom of Association

Report III and Draft Questionnaire: Minimum Wage-Fixing Machinery

Resolutions Adopted

Record of Proceedings