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International Labour Conference: 76th - 80th Sessions

The International Labour Conference through time

76th Session - 1989 (7-28 June) 

Geneva, Switzerland

President and Vice-Presidents Composition Agenda Outcomes


Mr J.L. Nkomo, delegate of Zimbabwe


Mr Dagmar Molkova,  Government delegate of Czechoslovakia

Mr Adel Gazarin,  Employers' delegate of Egypt

Mr Juan José Delpino,  Workers' delegate of Venezuela.

Source: Minutes of the First Sitting.

The number of States Members represented at the Conference was 140. The total number of accredited delegates and advisers was 1,845 and 1,556 registered. The number of registered delegates was 456, comprising 235 Government delegates, 112 Employers' delegates and 109 Workers' delegates. In addition, the number of registered advisers was 1,100, comprising 579 Government advisers, 226 Employers' advisers and 295 Workers' advisers.  

Source: Report of the Credentials Committee

I. Reports of the Governing Body and of the Director-General;

II. Programme and budget proposals and other financial questions;

III. Information and reports on the application of Conventions and Recommendations;

IV. Partial revision of the Indigenous and Tribal Populations Convention, 1957 (No. 107) (second discussion);

V. Night work (first discussion);

VI. Safety in the use of chemicals at work (first discussion). 

The Seventy-sixth Session of the International Labour Conference held thirty-eight plenary sittings, and adopted a Convention:

Reports submitted to the Conference Reports of the Committees Texts Adopted Other Documents

Report I: Report of the Director-General - Part I: Recovery and employment

Report II Draft Programme and Budget 1990-91 and Other Financial Questions

Report III (Parts 1, 2 and 3): Summary of reports

Report III (Part 4A): Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations

Report III (Part 4B): Social security protection in old-age : general survey

Report IV (1): Partial revision of the indigenous and tribal populations convention, 1957 (no. 107)

Report IV (2A): Partial revision of the indigenous and tribal populations convention, 1957 (no. 107)

Report IV (2B): Partial revision of the indigenous and tribal populations convention, 1957 (no. 107)

Report V (1): Night work

Report V (2): Night work

Report VI (1): Safety in the use of chemicals at work

Report VI (2): Safety in the use of chemicals at work

Committee on the Use of Chemicals

Report of the Committee on Convention No. 107

Report of the Committee on Convention No. 107: second discussion in plenary

Report of the Committee on Night Work

Report of the Committee on Night Work : first discussion in plenary

Report of the Committee on Safety in the Use of Chemicals at Work

Report of the Committee on Safety in the Use of Chemicals at Work: first discussion in plenary

Action on the resolutions adopted by the conference at its 76th (1989) session

C169 Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989

Final record vote on the Convention concerning indigenous and tribal peoples in independent countries

Resolution on ILO action concerning indigenous and tribal peoples

Record of Proceedings

77th Session - 1990 (6-27 June) 

Geneva, Switzerland

President and Vice-Presidents Composition Agenda Outcomes


Mr Jorge Triaca, delegate of Argentine


Mr Ion Pacuraru, Government delegate of Romania

Mr James Williams,  Employers' delegate of Barbados

Mr V.G. Gopal, Workers' delegate of India.

Source: Minutes of the First Sitting.

The number of member States represented at the Conference was 139. The total number of accredited delegates and advisers was 2,010 and 1,598. The number of registered delegates was 475, comprising 249 Government delegates, 109 Employers' delegates and 117 Workers' delegates. The number of registered advisers was 1,123, comprising 588 Government advisers, 217 Employers' advisers and 318 Workers' advisers. 

Source: Report of the Credentials Committee. 

I. Reports of the Governing Body and of the Director-General;

II. Programme and budget proposals and other financial questions;

III. Information and reports on the application of Conventions and Recommendations;

IV. Night work (second discussion);

V. Safety in the use of chemicals at work (second discussion);

VI. Working conditions in hotels, restaurants and similar establishments (first discussion);

VII. Promotion of self-employment (general discussion). 

The Seventy-seventh Session of the International Labour Conference held thirty-six plenary sittings, and adopted a Protocol, two Recommendations and two Conventions:

Reports submitted to the Conference Reports of the Committees Texts Adopted Other Documents

Report I: Report of the Director-General: Activities of the ILO, 1989

Report I: Report of the Director-General: Environment and the world of work

Report II Information concerning the Programme and Budget for 1990-91 and other financial and administrative questions

Report III (Parts 1, 2 and 3): Summary of reports

Report III (Part 4A): Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations

Report III (Part 4B): Labour standards on merchant ships: general survey

Report III (Part 5): List of Ratifications of Conventions

Report IV (1): Night work

Report IV (2A): Night work

Report IV (2B): Night work

Report V (1): Safety in the use of chemicals at work

Report V (2A): Safety in the use of chemicals at work

Report V (2B): Safety in the use of chemicals at work

Report VI (1): Working conditions in hotels, restaurants and similar establishments

Report VI (2): Working conditions in hotels, restaurants and similar establishments

Report VII: Promotion of self-employment

Committee on hotels and restaurants

Committee on Night Work

Committee on the Use of Chemicals

Report of the Committee on Hotels and Restaurants

Report of the Committee on Hotels and Restaurants: first discussion in plenary

Report of the Committee on Night Work

Report of the committee on night work: second discussion in plenary

Report of the Committee on Safety in the Use of Chemicals at Work

Report of the Committee on Safety in the Use of Chemicals at Work: second discussion in plenary

C170 Chemicals Convention, 1990

C171 Night Work Convention, 1990

Final record vote on the Convention concerning night work

Final record vote on the Convention concerning safety in the use of chemicals at work

Final record vote on the Protocol of 1990 to the Night Work (Women) Convention (Revised), 1948

Final record vote on the Recommendation concerning night work

Final record vote on the Recommendation concerning safety in the use of chemicals at work

P89 Protocol of 1990 to the Night Work (Women) Convention (Revised), 1948

Record of Proceedings

78th Session - 1991 (5-25 June) 

Geneva, Switzerland

President and Vice-Presidents Composition Agenda Outcomes


Mr Cosmoas Batubara, delegate of Indonesia


Mr Lajos Hethy,  Government delegate of Hungary

Mr Jones Santos Neves,  Employers' delegate of Brazil

Mr John Svenningsen,  Workers' delegate of Denmark

Source: Minutes of the First Sitting.

The total number of member States represented at the Conference was 141. The total number of accredited delegates and advisers was 1,913 and, 1489 registered. The number of registered delegates was 450, comprising 231 Government delegates, 111 Employers' delegates and 108 Workers' delegates. In addition, the number of registered advisers was 1,039, comprising 505 Government advisers, 233 Employers' advisers and 301 Workers' advisers. 

Source: Report of the Credentials Committee. 

I. Reports of the Governing Body and of the Director-General;

II. Programme and budget proposals and other financial questions;

III. Information and reports on the application of Conventions and Recommendations;

IV. Working conditions in hotels, restaurants and similar establishments (second discussion);

V. Protection of workers' claims in the event of the insolvency of their employer (first discussion);

VI. Application of modern agricultural technology (general discussion);

VII. Revision of the Declaration concerning Action against Apartheid in South Africa and Namibia for the purpose of deleting therefrom all references to Namibia. 

The Seventy-eighth Session of the International Labour Conference held twenty-eight plenary sittings, and adopted a Recommendation and a Convention:

Reports submitted to the Conference Reports of the Committees Texts Adopted Other Documents

Report I: Report of the Director-General - Part I: The dilemma of the informal sector

Report I: Report of the Director-General (Appendix): Report on the situation of workers of the occupied Arab territories

Report II Draft programme and budget 1992-93 and other financial questions

Report III (Parts 1, 2 and 3): Summary of reports

Report III (Part 4A): Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations

Report III (Part 4B): Human resources development : vocational guidance and training, paid educational leave

Report IV (1): Working conditions in hotels, restaurants and similar establishments

Report IV (2A): Working conditions in hotels, restaurants and similar establishments

Report IV (2B): Working conditions in hotels, restaurants and similar establishments

Report V (1): Protection of workers' claims in the event of the insolvency of their employer

Report V (2): Protection of workers' claims in the event of the insolvency of their employer

Report VI: Application of modern agricultural technology

Report VII:

Committee on Hotels and Restaurants

Committee on Workers' Claims

Report of the Committee on Hotels and Restaurants

Report of the Committee on Hotels and Restaurants: second discussion in plenary

Report of the Committee on Workers' Claims

Report of the Committee on Workers' Claims: first discussion in plenary

Action on the resolutions adopted by the conference at its 78th (1991) session

C172 Working Conditions (Hotels and Restaurants) Convention, 1991

Declaration concerning action against Apartheid in South Africa

Record vote on the Convention concerning working conditions in hotels, restaurants and similar establishments

Record vote on the Recommendation concerning working conditions in hotels, restaurants and similar establishments

Record of Proceedings


79th Session - 1992 (3-23 June) 

Geneva, Switzerland

President and Vice-Presidents Composition Agenda Outcomes


Mr Henrique Nascimento Rodrigues, delegate of Portugal


Mr Mario Rolando Solorzano Martinez, Government delegate of Guatemala

Mr Roger Decosterd,  Employers' delegate of Switzerland

Mr Joseph Jolly Mugalla, Workers' delegate of Kenya

Source: Minutes of the First Sitting.

The total number of member States represented at the Conference was 151. The total number of accredited delegates and advisers was 1,936 and 1,350 registered. The number of registered delegates was 411, comprising 208 Government delegates, 100 Employers' delegates and 103 Workers' delegates. In addition, the number of registered advisers was 939, comprising 469 Government advisers, 203 Employers' advisers and 267 Workers' advisers. 

Source: Report of the Credentials Committee. 

I. Reports of the Governing Body and of the Director-General;

II. Programme and budget proposals and other financial questions;

III. Information and reports on the application of Conventions and Recommendations;

IV. Protection of workers' claims in the event of the insolvency of their employer (second discussion);

V. The prevention of industrial disasters (first discussion);

VI. Adjustment and human resources development (general discussion).

The Seventy-ninth Session of the International Labour Conference held twenty-nine plenary sittings, and adopted a Recommendation and a Convention:

  • Recommendation (No. 180) concerning the protection of workers' claims in the event of the insolvency of their employer
  • Convention (No. 173) concerning the protection of workers' claims in the event of the insolvency of their employer
Reports submitted to the Conference Reports of the Committees Texts Adopted Other Documents

Report I: Report of the Director-General - Part I: Democratisation and the ILO

Report I: Report of the Director-General (Appendix): Report on the situation of workers of the occupied Arab territories

Supplement to the Report of the Director-General: Programme and budget proposals for 1994-95: preliminary consultation/report on programme implementation 1990-91

Report II Information 
concerning the Programme 
and Budget for 1992-93 
and other financial 
and administrative questions

Report III (Parts 1, 2 and 3): Summary of reports

Report III (Part 4A): Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations

Report III (Part 4B): Minimum wages : wage-fixing machinery, application and supervision

Report III (Part 5): List of Ratifications of Conventions

Report IV (1): Protection of worker's claims in the event of the insolvency of their employer

Report IV (2A): Protection of worker's claims in the event of the insolvency of their employer

Report IV (2B): Protection of worker's claims in the event of the insolvency of their employer

Report V (1): Prevention of industrial disasters

Report V (2): Prevention of industrial disasters

Report VI: Adjustment and human resources development

Committee on Workers' Claims

Committee on the Prevention of Industrial Disasters

Report of the Committee on the Prevention of Industrial Disasters

Report of the Committee on the Prevention of Industrial Disasters: first discussion in plenary

Report of the Committee on Workers' Claims

Report of the Committee on Workers' Claims: second discussion in plenary

Action on the resolutions adopted by the conference at its 79th (1992) session

C173 Protection of Workers' Claims (Employer's Insolvency) Convention, 1992

Lists of ratifications by convention and by country (as at 31 December 1991

Final record vote on the Convention concerning the protection of workers' claims in the event of the insolvency of their employer

Final record vote on the Recommendation concerning the protection of workers' claims in the event of the insolvency of their employer

Texts of Conventions and Recommendations adopted at the 79th Session of the International Labour Conference

Record of Proceedings

80th Session - 1993 (2-22 June) 

Geneva, Switzerland

President and Vice-Presidents Composition Agenda Outcomes


Mr Asem Abdel-Hak, delegate of Egypt


Mr George Badey,  Government delegate of Belarus

Mr Asharf W. Tabani,  Employers' delegate of Pakistan

Mr Manuel Bustos Huerta, Workers' delegate of Chile

Source: Minutes of the First Sitting.

The number of member States represented at the Conference was 151. The total number of accredited delegates and advisers was 2,017 and 1,578 registered. The number of registered delegates was 461, comprising 239 Government delegates, 104 Employers' delegates and 118 Workers' delegates. In addition, the number of registered advisers was 1,117, comprising 569 Government advisers, 218 Employers' advisers and 330 Workers' advisers. 

Source: Report of the Credentials Committee. 

I. Reports of the Governing Body and of the Director-General;

II. Programme and budget proposals and other financial questions;

III. Information and reports on the application of Conventions and Recommendations;

IV. Prevention of major industrial accidents (second discussion);

V. Part-time work (first discussion);

VI. The role of the ILO in technical cooperation (general discussion). 

The Eightieth Session of the International Labour Conference held twenty-seven plenary sittings, and adopted a Recommendation and a Convention:

Reports submitted to the Conference Reports of the Committees Texts Adopted Other Documents

Report I: Report of the Director-General - Part I: Social insurance and social protection

Report I: Report of the Director-General - Part II: Activities of the ILO, 1992

Report I: Report of the Director-General (Appendix): Report on the situation of workers of the occupied Arab territories

Report II Draft programme and budget 1994-95 and other financial questions

Report III (Parts 1, 2 and 3): Summary of reports

Report III (Part 4A): Information and reports on the application of conventions and recommendations: summary of reports (articles 19, 22 and 35 of the constitution).

Report III (Part 4B): Workers with family responsibilities

Report III (Part 5): List of Ratifications of Conventions

Report IV (1): Prevention of major industrial accidents

Report IV (2A): Prevention of major industrial accidents

Report IV (2B): Prevention of major industrial accidents

Report V (1): Part-time work

Report V (2): Part-time work

Report VI: Role of the ILO in technical cooperation

Committee on Part-time Work

Committee on the Prevention of Industrial Accidents

Report of the Committee on Part-time Work

Report of the Committee on Part-time Work: first discussion in plenary

Report of the Committee on the Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents

Report of the Committee on the Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents: second discussion in plenary

Report of the Director-General. Third supplementary report: second report of the officers of the Governing Body: participation of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia at the 80th (1993) session of the International Labour Conference

C174 Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents Convention, 1993

Final record vote on the Convention concerning the prevention of major industrial accidents

Final record vote on the recommendation concerning the prevention of major industrial accidents

Resolutions adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 80th session; Geneva, June 1993

Texts of Conventions and Recommendations adopted at the 80th Session of the International Labour Conference

ILO technical cooperation in 1992-93, including action to be taken on the resolution concerning the role of the ILO in technical cooperation, adopted by the conference at its 80th (1993) session

Record of Proceedings