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International Labour Conference: 51st - 55th Sessions

The International Labour Conference through time

51st Session - 1967 (7-29 June) 

Geneva, Switzerland

President and Vice-Presidents Composition Agenda Outcomes


Mr Getahun Tesemma, Delegate of Ethiopia 


Mr Léon-Eli Troclet, Government delegate of Belgium

Mr A.P. Østberg, Employers' delegate of Norway

Mr Abid Ali,  Workers' delegate of India

Source: Minutes of the First Meeting.

The number of member States represented at the Conference was 109. The total number of accredited delegates and advisers was 1,207 and 1,019 registered. The number of registered delegates was 371 comprising 186 Government delegates, 92 Employers' delegates and 93 Workers' delegates. In addition, the number of registered advisers is 648, comprising 334 Government advisers, 134 Employers' advisers and 180 Workers' advisers. 

Source: Report of the Credentials Committee. 

I. Report of the Director-General;

II. Financial and budgetary questions;

III. Information and reports on the application of Conventions and Recommendations;

IV. Revision of Conventions Nos. 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40 concerning old-age, invalidity and survivors' pensions (second discussion);

V. Examination of grievances and communications within the undertaking (second discussion);

VI. Maximum permissible weight to be carried by one worker (single discussion);

VII. Improvement of conditions of life and work of tenants, share-croppers and similar categories of agricultural workers (first discussion);

VIII. The International Labour Organisation and technical co-operation (including the role of the ILO in the industrialisation of developing countries).

The Fifty-first Session of the International Labour Conference held thirty-three plenary sittings, and adopted four Recommendations and two Conventions:

Reports submitted to the Conference Reports of the Committees Texts Adopted Other Documents

Report I: Report of the Director-General - Part I: Non-manual workers: problems and prospects

Report I: Report of the Director-General - Part 2: Activities of the ILO

Report I: Report of the Director-General - Part 2: Supplement

Report II: Financial and Budgetary Questions

Report III (Part I): Summary of reports on ratified conventions

Report III (Part II): Hours of work. Summary of Reports on unratified Conventions and Recommendations

Report III (Part III): Summary of information relating to the submission to the competent authorities of Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the ILC

Report III (Part IV): Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations

Report III: General survey on the Reports concerning the Hours of work

Report IV (1): Revision of Conventions Nos. 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40 concerning old-age, invalidity and survivors' pensions

Report IV (2): Revision of Conventions Nos. 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40 concerning old-age, invalidity and survivors' pensions

Report V (1): Examination of grievances and communications within the undertaking

Report V (2): Examination of grievances and communications within the undertaking

Report VI (1): Maximum permissible weight to be carried by one worker

Report VI (2): Maximum permissible weight to be carried by one worker

Report VII (1): Improvement of conditions of life and work of tenants, share-croppers and similar categories of agricultural workers

Report VII (2): Improvement of conditions of life and work of tenants, share-croppers and similar categories of agricultural workers

Report VIII (Part I): The International Labour Organisation and technical co-operation - the ILO and technical co-operation

Report VIII (Part II): The International Labour Organisation and technical co-operation - the role of the ILO In the industrialisation of developing countries

Committee on Social Security

Reports I and II of the Committee on Social Security

Reports I and II of the Committee on Social Security: second discussion in plenary

C128 Invalidity, Old-Age and Survivors' Benefits Convention, 1967

Conventions, recommendations, resolutions and additional texts adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 51st session, Geneva, 1967

Final record vote on the Convention concerning invalidity, old-age and survivors' benefits

Resolutions adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 51st session (Geneva, 1967)

Record of Proceedings

52nd Session - 1968 (5-25 June) 

Geneva, Switzerland

President and Vice-Presidents Composition Agenda Outcomes


Mr Rubens Guillermo San Sebastián, Delegate of Argentina 


Mr Endre Bakonyi-Sebestyén,  Government delegate of Hungary

Mr Marwan Nasr,  Employers' delegate of Lebanon

Mr Hermann Beermann, Workers' delegate of Germany

Source: Minutes of the First Meeting.

The number of member States represented at the Conference was 108. The total number of accredited delegates and advisers was 1,164 and 986 registered. The number of registered delegates was 385, comprising 192 Government delegates, 94 Employers' delegates and 99 Workers' delegates. In addition, the number of registered advisers was 601, comprising 309 Government advisers, 122 Employers' advisers and 170 Workers' advisers. 

Source: Report of the Credentials Committee. 

I. Report of the Director-General;

II. Financial and budgetary questions;

III. Information and reports on the application of Conventions and Recommendations;

IV. Improvement of conditions of life and work of tenants, share-croppers and similar categories of agricultural workers (second discussion);

V. Labour inspection in agriculture (first discussion);

VI. Revision of Conventions Nos. 24 and 25 concerning sickness insurance (first discussion). 

The Fifty-second Session of the International Labour Conference held twenty-nine plenary sittings, and adopted a Recommendation:

  • Recommendation (No. 132) concerning the Improvement of Conditions of Life and Work of Tenants, Share-croppers and Similar Categories of Agricultural Workers
Reports submitted to the Conference Reports of the Committees Texts Adopted Other Documents

Report I: Report of the Director-General - Part I: The ILO and Human Rights

Report I: Report of the Director General - Part I: Supplement

Report II: Financial and Budgetary Questions

Report III (Part 1): Summary of reports on ratified conventions

Report III (Part II): Forced labour. Summary of Reports on unratified Conventions and Recommendations

Report III (Part 3): Summary of information relating to the submission to the competent authorities of Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the ILC

Report III (Part 4): Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations

Report III: General Survey on the Reports concerning the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29), and the Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957 (No. 105)

Report IV (1): Improvement of conditions of life and work of tenants, share-croppers and similar categories of agricultural workers

Report IV (2): Improvement of conditions of life and work of tenants, share-croppers and similar categories of agricultural workers

Report V (1): Labour inspection in agriculture

Report V (2): Labour inspection in agriculture

Report VI (1): Revision of Conventions nos. 24 and 25 concerning sickness insurance

Report VI (2): Revision of Conventions nos. 24 and 25 concerning sickness insurance

Committee on Social Security

Report of the Committee on Agricultural Workers: first discussion in plenary

Report of the Committee on Labour Inspection (Agriculture)

Report of the Committee on Social Security

Report of the Committee on Social Security: first discussion in plenary

Resolution concerning the placing on the agenda of the next ordinary session of the Conference of an item entitled "Labour inspection in agriculture"

Recommendation, resolutions and additional texts adopted

Record of Proceedings


53rd Session - 1969 (4-25 June) 

Geneva, Switzerland

President and Vice-Presidents Composition Agenda Outcomes


Mr Jean Möri, Delegate of Switzerland 


Mr Angel Tzankov,  Government delegate of Bulgaria

Mr Edwin P. Neilan,  Employers' delegate of the United States of America

Mr Albert Ernst Monk, Workers' delegate of Australia

Source: Minutes of the First Meeting.

The number of member States represented at the Conference was 116. The total number of accredited delegates and advisers was 1,326 and 1,113 registered. The number of registered delegates was 399, comprising 203 Government delegates, 96 Employers' delegates and 100 Workers' delegates. In addition, the number of registered advisers was 714, comprising 368 Government advisers, 135 Employers' advisers and 211 Workers' advisers.

Source: Report of the Credentials Committee. 

I. Report of the Director-General;

II. Programme and budget proposals and other financial questions;

III. Information and reports on the application of Conventions and Recommendations;

IV. Labour inspection in agriculture (second discussion);

V. Revision of Conventions Nos. 24 and 25 concerning sickness insurance (second discussion);

VI. Holidays with pay (first discussion);

VII. Minimum wage fixing machinery and related problems, with special reference to developing countries (first discussion);

VIII. Special youth employment and training schemes for development purposes (first discussion);

IX. General review of the reports of the Working Party on the Programme and Structure of the ILO submitted to the Conference by the Governing Body. 

The Fifty-third Session of the International Labour Conference held thirty-seven plenary sittings, and adopted two Recommendations and two Conventions:

Reports submitted to the Conference Reports of the Committees Texts Adopted Other Documents

Report I: Report of the Director General - Part I: The World Employment Programme

Report II: Programme and Budget Proposals and Other Financial Questions

Report III (Part 1): Summary of reports on ratified conventions

Report III (Part 2): Summary of Reports on unratified Conventions and Recommendations

Report III (Part 3): Summary of information relating to the submission to the competent authorities of Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the ILC

Report III (Part 4): Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations

Report III: The ratification outlook after fifty years: seventeen selected conventions

Report IV (1): Labour inspection in agriculture

Report IV (2): Labour inspection in agriculture

Report V (1): Revision of Conventions nos. 24 and 25 concerning sickness insurance

Report V (2): Revision of Conventions nos. 24 and 25 concerning sickness insurance

Report VI (1): Holidays with pay

Report VI (2): Holidays with pay

Report VII (1): Minimum wage fixing machinery and related problems, with special reference to developing countries

Report VII (2): Minimum wage fixing machinery and related problems, with special reference to developing countries

Report VIII (1): Special youth employment and training schemes for development purposes

Report VIII (2): Special youth employment and training schemes for development purposes

Report IX: General review of the reports of the working party on the programme and structure of the ILO

Committee on Minimum Wage

Committee on Social Security

Report of the Committee on Labour Inspection (Agriculture)

Report of the Committee on Labour Inspection (Agriculture): second discussion in plenary

Report of the Committee on Minimum Wage

Report of the Committee on Minimum Wage: first discussion in plenary

Report of the Committee on Social Security

Report of the Committee on Social Security: second discussion in plenary

C129 Labour Inspection (Agriculture) Convention, 1969

C130 Medical Care and Sickness Benefits Convention, 1969

Final record vote on the Convention concerning labour inspection in agriculture

Final record vote on the Convention concerning medical care and sickness benefits

Final record vote on the Recommendation concerning labour inspection in agriculture

Resolution concerning the placing on the agenda of the next ordinary session of the Conference of the question of minimum wage fixing machinery and related problems, with special reference to developing countries

Record of Proceedings


54th Session - 1970 (3-25 June) 

Geneva, Switzerland

President and Vice-Presidents Composition Agenda Outcomes


Mr V. Manickavasagam, delegate of Malaysia


Mr Ion Pacuraru, Government delegate of Romania

Mr Frank Bannerman-Menson, Employers' delegate of Ghana

Mr Gabriel B. Fogam,  Workers' delegate of Cameroon

Source: Minutes of the First Meeting.

The number of member States represented at the Conference was 111. The total number of accredited delegates and advisers was 1,248 and 1,021 registered. The number of registered delegates was 378, comprising 193 Government delegates, 88 Employers' delegates and 97 Workers' delegates. In addition, the number of registered advisers was 643, comprising 336 Government advisers, 143 Employers' advisers and 164 Workers' advisers. 

Source: Report of the Credentials Committee. 

I. Report of the Director-General;

II. Programme and budget proposals and other financial questions;

III. Information and reports on the application of Conventions and Recommendations;

IV. Holidays with pay (second discussion);

V. Minimum wage fixing machinery and related problems, with special reference to developing countries (second discussion);

VI. Special youth employment and training schemes for development purposes (second discussion);

VII. Trade union rights and their relation to civil liberties;

VIII. Protection and facilities afforded to workers' representatives in the undertaking. 

The Fifty-fourth Session of the International Labour Conference held thirty-two plenary sittings and adopted two Recommendations and two Conventions:

Reports submitted to the Conference Reports of the Committees Texts Adopted Other Documents

Report I: Report of the Director-General - Part 1: Poverty and minimum living standards: the role of the ILO

Report I: Report of the Director-General - Part 2 (Supplement): The ILO and the United Nations, twenty-five years of a partnership of service

Report II: Programme and Budget Proposals and Other Financial Questions

Report III (Part 1): Summary of reports on ratified conventions

Report III (Part 2): Health, welfare and housing of workers. Summary of Reports on unratified Conventions and Recommendations

Report III (Part 3): Summary of information relating to the submission to the competent authorities of Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the ILC

Report III (Part 4): Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations

Report III: General Survey on the reports concerning four recommendations dealing with the health, welfare and housing of workers (Nos. 97, 102, 111, 115)

Report IV (1): Holidays with pay

Report IV (2): Holidays with pay

Report V (1): Minimum wage fixing machinery and related problems, with special reference to developing countries

Report V (2): Minimum wage fixing machinery and related problems, with special reference to developing countries

Report VI (1): Special youth employment and training schemes for development purposes

Report VI (2): Special youth employment and training schemes for development purposes

Report VII: Trade union rights and their relation to civil liberties

Report VIII (1): Protection and facilities afforded to workers' representatives in the undertaking

Report VIII (2): Protection and facilities afforded to workers' representatives in the undertaking

Committee on Minimum Wage

Committee on Workers' Representatives in the Undertaking

Report of the Committee on Minimum Wage

Report of the Committee on Minimum Wage: second discussion in plenary

Report of the Committee on Workers' Representatives in the Undertaking

Report of the Committee on Workers' Representatives in the Undertaking: first discussion in plenary

C131 Minimum Wage Fixing Convention, 1970

Record vote on the proposed Convention concerning minimum wage fixing, with special reference to developing countries

Resolution concerning the placing on the agenda of the next ordinary session of the conference of an item entitled "Protection and facilities afforded to workers' representatives in the undertaking"

Record of Proceedings

55th Session - Maritime - 1970 (14-30 October) 

Geneva, Switzerland

President and Vice-Presidents Composition Agenda Outcomes


Mr Nagendra Singh, Delegate of India


Mr Natcho Simeonov,  Government delegate of Bulgaria

Mr Erling Brøvig,  Employers' delegate of Norway

Mr Heinrich Wiemers,  Workers' delegate of Germany

Source: Minutes of the First Meeting.

The number of member States represented at the Conference was 63. The total number of accredited delegates and advisers was 523 and 428 registered. The number of registered delegates was 188, comprising 100 Government delegates, 43 Employers' delegates and 45 Workers' delegates. In addition, the number of registered advisers was 240, comprising 97 Government advisers, 70 Employers' advisers and 73 Workers' advisers. 

Source: Report of the Credentials Committee. 

I. Report of the Director-General;

II. Crew accommodation;

III. Recommendation No. 109, Paragraph 2 - revision of the 1958 wage figures of £25 or US$70 to their present equivalent, having regard solely to the fall in the value of money since 1958;

IV. Problems arising from technical developments and modernisation on board ship in connection with:

(a) recruitment measures designed to match the seagoing employment likely to be available;

(b) training and retraining for employment at sea;

(c) the effects on the level of employment of seafarers, including measures to alleviate any resulting redundancy;

V. Accident prevention on board ship at sea and in port;

VI. Vocational training of seafarers;

VII. Seafarers' welfare at sea and in port. 

The Fifty-fifth Session of the International Labour Conference held sixteen plenary sittings, and adopted six Recommendations and two Conventions:

Reports submitted to the Conference Other Documents

Report I

Report II (2): Crew accommodation

Report III: Recommendation no. 109, paragraph 2; revision of the 1958 wage figures of 25 pounds sterling or U.S. dollars 70 to their present equivalent, having regard solely to the fall in the value of money since 1958

Report IV (1): Employment problems arising from technical developments and modernisation on board ship

Report IV (2): Problems arising from technical development and modernisation on board ship

Report V (1): Accident prevention on board ship at sea and in port

Report V (2): Accident prevention on board ship at sea and in port

Report VI: Vocational training of seafarers

Report VII: Seafarers' welfare at sea and in port

Final list of delegations

Record of Proceedings