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International Labour Conference: 56th - 60th Sessions

The International Labour Conference through time

56th Session - 1971 (2-23 June) 

Geneva, Switzerland

President and Vice-Presidents Composition Agenda Outcomes


Mr Pierre Waline, delegate of France


Mr Štefan Murín,  Government delegate of Czechoslovakia

Mr Fernando Yllanes Ramos, Employers' delegate of Mexico

Mr N. de Bock, Workers' delegate of Belgium

Source: Minutes of the First Meeting.

The number of member States represented at the Conference was 113. The total number of accredited delegates and advisers was 1233 and 1,001 registered.  The number of registered delegates was 382, comprising 197 Government delegates, 89 Employers' delegates and 96 Workers' delegates. In addition, the number of registered advisers is 619, comprising 305 Government advisers, 137 Employers' advisers and 177 Workers' advisers.

Source: Report of the Credentials Committee. 

I. Report of the Director-General;

II. Programme and budget proposals and other financial questions;

III. Information and reports on the application of Conventions and Recommendations;

IV. The World Employment Programme (general discussion);

V. Protection and facilities afforded to workers' representatives in the undertaking (second discussion);

VI. Protection against hazards arising from benzene (single discussion). 

The Fifty-sixth Session of the International Labour Conference held thirty-four plenary sittings, and adopted two Recommendations and two Conventions:

Reports submitted to the Conference Reports of the Committees Texts Adopted Other Documents

Report I: Report of the Director-General - Part I: Freedom by dialogue: economic development by social progress: the ILO contribution

Report I: Report of the Director-General - Part II: Activities of the ILO, 1970

Report II: Programme and Budget Proposals and Other Financial Questions

Report III (Part 1): Summary of reports on ratified conventions

Report III (Part 2): Discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. Summary of Reports on Recommendation No.123

Report III (Part 3): Summary of information relating to the submission to the competent authorities of Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the ILC

Report III (Part 4A): Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations

Report III (Part 4A):Report on Direct Contacts with the Government of Portugal regarding the Implementation of the Abolition of Forced Labour Convention 1957 (No. 105)

Report III (Part 4B): General Survey on the Reports relating to the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) convention and recommendation, 1958

Report IV: The World Employment Programme

Report V (1): Protection and facilities afforded to workers' representatives in the undertaking

Report V (2): Protection and facilities afforded to workers' representatives in the undertaking

Report VI (1): Protection against hazards arising from benzene

Report VI (2): Protection against hazards arising from benzene

Committee on Workers' Representatives in the Undertaking

Report of the Committee on Workers' Representatives in the Undertaking

Report of the Committee on Workers' Representatives in the Undertaking: second discussion in plenary

Committee on Workers' Representatives in the Undertaking

Report of the Committee on Workers' Representatives in the Undertaking

Report of the Committee on Workers' Representatives in the Undertaking: second discussion in plenary

Final record vote on the Convention concerning protection and facilities to be afforded to workers' representatives in the undertaking

Action to be taken on the resolutions adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 56th session (June 1971)

Final record vote on the Convention concerning protection and facilities to be afforded to workers' representatives in the undertaking

Record of Proceedings

57th Session - 1972 (7-27 June) 

Geneva, Switzerland

President and Vice-Presidents Composition Agenda Outcomes


Mr G.M.J. Veldkamp, delegate of the Netherlands


Mr Vladimir Nikiforovitch Martynenko, Government delegate of Ukraine

Mr Massud Ghayour, Employers' delegate of Iran

Mr Rudolph Faupl, Workers' delegate of the United States of America

Source: Minutes of the First Meeting.

The number of member States represented at the Conference was 117. The total number of accredited delegates and advisers was 1,316 and 1,097 registered. The number of registered delegates was 403, comprising 202 Government delegates, 98 Employers' delegates and 103 Workers' delegates. In addition, the number of registered advisers was 694, comprising 323 Government advisers, 154 Employers' advisers and 217 Workers' advisers.

Source: Report of the Credentials Committee. 

I. Report of the Director-General;

II. Programme and budget proposals and other financial questions;

III. Information and reports on the application of Conventions and Recommendations;

IV. Minimum age for admission to employment (first discussion);

V. Social repercussions of new methods of cargo handling (docks) (first discussion);

VI. Labour and social implications of automation and other technological developments (general discussion);

VII. Substitution, in the provisions of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation relating to membership of the Governing Body, of the figures "fifty-six", "twenty-eight", "eighteen" and "fourteen" for the figures "forty-eight", "twenty-four", "fourteen" and "twelve". 

The Fifty-seventh Session of the International Labour Conference held thirty-two plenary sittings and adopted an Instrument for Amendment:

  • Instrument for the Amendment of the Constitution of the International Labour Organization
Reports submitted to the Conference Reports of the Committees Texts Adopted Other Documents

Report I: Report of the Director-General - Part I: Technology for freedom : man in his environment, the ILO contribution

Report I: Report of the Director-General - Part II: Activities of the ILO, 1971

Report II: Programme and Budget Proposals and Other Financial Questions

Report III (Part 1): Summary of reports on ratified conventions

Report III (Part 2): Summary of Reports on Convention and Recommendation.

Report III (Part 3): Summary of information relating to the submission to the competent authorities of Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the ILC

Report III (Part 4A): Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations

Report III (Part 4B): General survey on the reports relating to the Employment Policy Convention and Recommendation

Report III (Part 4C):General Survey on the Reports relating to two Recommendations concerning Social Conditions of Seafarers (Nos. 107 and 108)

Report IV (1): Minimum age for admission to employment

Report IV (2): Minimum age for admission to employment

Report V (1): Social repercussions of new methods of cargo handling (docks)

Report V (2): Social repercussions of new methods of cargo handling (docks)

Report VI: Labour and social implications of automation and other technological developments

Report VII: Substitution in the provisions of the constitution of the ILO relating to membership of the Governing Body, of the figures '56', '28', '18' and '14' for the figures '48', '24', '14' and '12'

Report of the Committee on Minimum Age

Report of the Committee on Minimum Age: first discussion in plenary

Instrument for the amendment of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation

Resolution to place on the agenda of the next ordinary session of the Conference an item entitled "Minimum age for admission to employment"

Record of Proceedings

58th Session - 1973 (6-27 June) 

Geneva, Switzerland

President and Vice-Presidents Composition Agenda Outcomes


Mr Bintu’a Tshiabola, Delegate of the Zaire


Mr Marian Naszkowski,  Government delegate of Poland

Mr Ernst Gerhard Erdmann, Employers' delegate of Germany

Mr Alfonso Sánchez Madariaga, Workers' delegate of Mexico

Source: Minutes of the First Meeting.

The number of member States represented at the Conference was 114. The total number of accredited delegates and advisers was 1,342 and 1,110 registered. The number of registered delegates was 389, comprising 192 Government delegates, 99 Employers' delegates and 98 Workers' delegates. In addition, the number of registered advisers was 721, comprising 350 Government advisers, 151 Employers' advisers and 220 Workers' advisers. 

Source: Report of the Credentials Committee. 

I. Report of the Director-General;

II. Programme and budget proposals and other financial questions;

III. Information and reports on the application of Conventions and Recommendations;

IV. Minimum age for admission to employment (second discussion);

V. Social repercussions of new methods of cargo handling (docks) (second discussion);

VI. Paid educational leave (first discussion);

VII. Control and prevention of occupational cancer (first discussion). 

The Fifty-eighth Session of the International Labour Conference held thirty-four plenary sittings and adopted two Recommendations and two Conventions:

Reports submitted to the Conference Reports of the Committees Texts Adopted Other Documents

Report I: Report of the Director-General - Part I: Prosperity for welfare: social purpose in economic growth and change

Report I: Report of the Director-General - Part II: Activities of the ILO 1972

Report II: Programme and Budget Proposals and Other Financial Questions

Report III (Part 1): Summary of reports on ratified conventions

Report III (Part 2): Freedom of association and collective bargaining. Summary of Reports on Recommendation No.123

Report III (Part 3): Summary of information relating to the submission to the competent authorities of Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the ILC

Report III (Part 4A): Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations

Report III (Part 4B): Freedom of association and collective bargaining : general survey

Report IV (1): Minimum age for admission to employment

Report IV (2): Minimum age for admission to employment

Report V (1): Social repercussions of new methods of cargo handling (docks)

Report V (2): Social repercussions of new methods of cargo handling (docks)

Report VI (1): Paid Educational Leave

Report VI (2): Paid Educational Leave

Report VII (1): Control and prevention of occupational cancer

Report VII (2): Control and prevention of occupational cancer

Committee on Occupational Cancer Prevention

Committee on Paid Educational Leave

Report of the Committee on Minimum Age

Report of the Committee on Minimum Age: second discussion in plenary

Report of the Committee on Occupational Cancer Prevention

Report of the Committee on Occupational Cancer Prevention : first discussion in plenary

Report of the Committee on Paid Educational Leave

Report of the Committee on Paid Educational Leave: first discussion in plenary

C138 Minimum Age Convention, 1973

Final record vote on the Convention concerning minimum age for admission to employment

Resolution to place on the agenda of the next ordinary session of the Conference an item entitled "Control and prevention of occupational hazards caused by carcinogenic substances and agents"

Record of Proceedings

59th Session - 1974 (5-25 June) 

Geneva, Switzerland

President and Vice-Presidents Composition Agenda Outcomes


Mr Pedro Sala Orosco, delegate of Peru


Mr Imre Kömives, Government delegate of Hungary

Mr Edwin P. Neilan, Employers' delegate of the United Stated of America

Mr Kanti Mehta, Workers' delegate of India

Source: Minutes of the First Meeting.

The number of member States represented at the Conference was 118. The total number of accredited delegates and advisers was 1,511 and 1,258 registered. The number of registered delegates was 397, comprising 204 Government delegates, 94 Employers' delegates and 99 Workers' delegates. In addition, the number of registered advisers was 861, comprising 420 Government advisers, 185 Employers' advisers and 256 Workers' advisers. 

Source: Report of the Credentials Committee. 

I. Report of the Director-General;

II. Programme and budget proposals and other financial questions;

III. Information and reports on the application of Conventions and Recommendations;

IV. Paid educational leave (second discussion);

V. Control and prevention of occupational hazards caused by carcinogenic substances and agents (second discussion);

VI. Organisations of rural workers and their role in economic and social development (first discussion);

VII. Migrant workers (first discussion);

VIII. Human resources development: vocational guidance and vocational training (first discussion);

IX. Structure of the ILO. 

The Fifty-ninth Session of the International Labour Conference held thirty-five plenary sittings and adopted two Recommendations and two Conventions:

Reports submitted to the Conference Reports of the Committees Texts Adopted Other Documents

Report I: Report of the Director-General: Action of the ILO: Problems and Prospects

Report II: Programme and Budget Proposals and Other Financial Questions

Report III (Part 1): Summary of reports on ratified conventions

Report III (Part 2): Termination of employment. Summary of Reports on Recommendation No.119

Report III (Part 3): Summary of information relating to the submission to the competent authorities of Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the ILC

Report III (Part 4A): Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations

Report III (Part 4B): Termination of Employment: general survey

Report IV (1): Paid Educational Leave

Report IV (2): Paid Educational Leave

Report V (1): Control and prevention of occupational hazards caused by carcinogenic substances and agents

Report V (2): Control and prevention of occupational hazards caused by carcinogenic substances and agents

Report VI (1): Organisations of rural workers and their role in economic and social development

Report VI (2): Organisations of rural workers and their role in economic and social development

Report VII (1): Migrant Workers

Report VII (2): Migrant Workers

Report VIII (1): Human resources development: vocational guidance and vocational training

Report VIII (2): Human resources development: vocational guidance and vocational training

Report IX: Structure of the ILO

Committee on Human Resources

Committee on Migrant Workers

Committee on Occupational Cancer Protection

Committee on Paid Educational Leave

Report of the Committee on Human Resources

Report of the Committee on Human Resources: first discussion in plenary

Report of the Committee on Migrant Workers

Report of the Committee on Migrant Workers: first discussion in plenary

Report of the Committee on Occupational Cancer Prevention

Report of the Committee on Occupational Cancer Prevention: second discussion in plenary

Report of the Committee on Paid Educational Leave

Report of the Committee on Paid Educational Leave: second discussion in plenary

Report of the Committee on Rural Workers' Organisations

Report of the Committee on Rural Workers' Associations: first discussion in plenary

C139 Occupational Cancer Convention, 1974

C140 Paid Educational Leave Convention, 1974

Final record vote on the Convention concerning paid educational leave

Final record vote on the Convention concerning prevention and control of occupational hazards caused by carcinogenic substances and agents

Resolutions Adopted

Record of Proceedings

60th Session - 1975 (4-25 June) 

Geneva, Switzerland

President and Vice-Presidents Composition Agenda Outcomes


Mr Blas F. Ople, delegate of the Philippines


Mr Gueorgui Evgueniev,  Government delegate of Bulgaria

Mr Abebe Abate, Employers' delegate of Ethiopia

Mr C.T.H. Plant, Workers' delegate of the United Kingdom

Source: Minutes of the First Meeting.

The number of member States represented at the Conference was 118. The total number of accredited delegates and advisers was 1,610 and 1,437 registered. The number of registered delegates was 423, comprising 216 Government delegates, 100 Employers' delegates and 107 Workers' delegates. In addition, the number of registered advisers was 1,014, comprising 474 Government advisers, 212 Employers' advisers and 328 Workers' advisers.

Source: Report of the Credentials Committee. 

I. Report of the Director-General;

II. Programme and budget proposals and other financial questions;

III. Information and reports on the application of Conventions and Recommendations;

IV. Organisations of rural workers and their role in economic and social development (second discussion);

V. Migrant workers (second discussion);

VI. Human resources development: vocational guidance and vocational training (second discussion);

VII. Establishment of national tripartite machinery to improve the implementation of ILO standards (first discussion);

VIII. Equality of opportunity and treatment for women workers (general discussion);

IX. Report of the Working Party on Structure. 

The Sixtieth Session of the International Labour Conference held thirty-six plenary sittings, and adopted three Recommendations and three Conventions:

Reports submitted to the Conference Reports of the Committees Texts Adopted Other Documents

Report I: Report of the Director-General: Making work more human: working conditions and environment

Report II: Programme and Budget Proposals and Other Financial Questions

Report III (Part 1): Summary of reports on ratified conventions

Report III (Part 2): Equal remuneration. Summary of Reports on unratified Conventions and Recommendations

Report III (Part 3): Summary of information relating to the submission to the competent authorities of Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the ILC

Report III (Part 4A):Report on Direct Contacts with the Government of Portugal regarding the Implementation of the Abolition of Forced Labour Convention 1957 (No. 105)

Report III (Part 4B): Equal remuneration: general survey

Report IV (1): Organisation of rural workers and their role in economic and social development

Report IV (2): Organisation of rural workers and their role in economic and social development

Report V (1): Migrant workers

Report V (2): Migrant workers

Report VI (1): Human resources development; vocational guidance and vocational training

Report VI (2): Human resources development; vocational guidance and vocational training

Report VII (1): Establishment of national tripartite machinery to improve the implementation of ILO standards

Report VII (2): Establishment of national tripartite machinery to improve the implementation of ILO standards

Report VIII: Equality of opportunity and treatment for women workers

Report IX: Report of the Working Party on Structure

Committee on Human Resources

Report of the Committee on Human Resources

Report of the Committee on Human Resources: second discussion in plenary

Report I of the Committee on Migrant Workers

Report II of the Committee on Migrant Workers

Report I of the Committee on Migrant Workers: second discussion in plenary

Report II of the Committee on Migrant Workers: second discussion in plenary

Report of the Committee on Rural Workers' Organisations

Report of the Committee on Rural Workers' Organisations: second discussion in plenary

Report of the Committee on Tripartite Machinery

Report of the Committee on Tripartite Machinery: first discussion in plenary

C141 Rural Workers' Organisations Convention, 1975

C142 Human Resources Development Convention, 1975

C143 Migrant Workers (Supplementary Provisions) Convention, 1975

Declaration on Equality of Opportunity and Treatment for Women Workers

Final record vote on the Convention concerning migrations in abusive conditions and the promotion of equality of opportunity and treatment of migrant workers

Final record vote on the Convention concerning organisations of rural workers and their role in economic and social development

Final record vote on the Convention concerning vocational guidance and vocational training in the development of human resources

Resolution to place on the agenda of the next ordinary session of the Conference an item entitled "Establishment of tripartite machinery to promote the implementation of international labour standards"

Record of Proceedings