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Etudes d'ensemble: Rapports par sujet

Examen des législations et pratiques nationales dans un domaine particulier, dans les États Membres ayant ratifié ou non les conventions pertinentes

Dans une autre langue

Examen des rapports sur les conventions non ratifiées et les recommandations

Based on the arrangements approved by the Governing Body in March 1948, "the CEACR first examined reports on unratified Conventions in 1950. Its first examination, highlighted relevant information on national law and practice concerning the selected instruments, including the ratification situation and divergences in interpretation. In view of the limited number of reports received and the uneven information provided, between 1950 and 1953 the CEACR and the CAS proposed a reduction in the number of instruments and a simplification in the forms to secure better information from governments". 

In particular "they suggested grouping Conventions and Recommendations by subject matter and that the subjects chosen be of current interest so that the reports could be used by the Office, Governing Body and Conference (...) They repeated recommended selecting fewer instruments. The number of instruments selected was 12 for 1950 and 8 for 1951".

Studies of General Matters

"The examination of reports on unratified Conventions and on Recommendations was strengthened in 1955 and 1956. In November 1955, with a view to reinforcing the work of the CAS, the Governing Body approved a proposal (...) that the CEACR should undertake in addition to a technical examination on the application of Conventions, a study of general matters, such as positions on the application of certain Conventions and Recommendations by all governments. Such studies, now known as "general surveys", were intended to cover the Conventions and Recommendations for the submission of reports under article 19 of the Constitution. The CEACR carried out this examination in 1956 and, as from that year, the CAS has consistently discussed the general surveys of the CEACR".

Rapports par thèmes (depuis 1950 - )


Thème Année


Administration du travail et

Inspection du travail

2024  2006  1997  1985 1969  1966  1957 1951

Consultations tripartites 2000  1982
Conventions fondamentales 2012



Egalité de chances et de traitement 2023  2012  1996  1993  1988  1986  1978 1975  
1971  1969  1963  1956

Elimination du travail des enfants et

protection des enfants et des adolescents 

2012  1981  1969  1960  1955

Gens de mer 1990  1950

Liberté syndicale, négociation collective et

relations professionnelles

2015  2013  2012  2008  1994  1983 1976  
1973  1969  1959  1957  1956  1953

Orientation et formation professionnelles 2004  1991  1951

Personnel infirmier


Politique et promotion de l'emploi

2021 2020  2010  2004  2003  1998  1972  1969  1952

Politique sociale
1970  1969 
Protection de la maternité 2023  1969  1965
Salaires 2014  2003  1992  1969  1958  1954
Sécurité de l'emploi

1995  1974  1952

Sécurité et santé au travail 2017  2009  1987  1970  1951
Sécurité sociale 2019  2011  1989  1977  1969  1961 1950
Temps de travail 2018  2005  2001  1984  1967  1964
Travail forcé 2012  2007  1979  1969  1968  1962 1950  
Travailleuses et travailleurs domestiques 2022
Travailleurs migrants 2016  1999  1980  1953