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History of the ILO

Selected Chronological Bibliography


Aglan, A.; Feitertag, O.; Kévonian, D. (eds). 2011. Humaniser le travail. Régimes économiques et Organisation international du travail (1929-1969) (Brussels, Peter Lang).
Alcock, A. 1970. History of the International Labour Organisation (London, Macmillan).
Bangasser. P. 2000. “The ILO and the informal sector: an institutional history”, in Employment Paper 2000/9 (Geneva, ILO).
Bollé, P. 2013. “La Revue internationale du Travail, le BIT, l'OIT: fragments d'une histoire“, in Revue Internationale du Travail. Vol. 152, No. HS1, pp. 1-14. (Available in English) (Disponible en español)
Brett, B. 1994. International labour in the 21st century: the ILO, monument to the past or beacon for the future? (London, European Policy Institute).
Droux, J.; Kott, S. (eds). 2013. Globalizing Social Rights. The ILO and Beyond (London and Geneva, Palgrave Macmillan/ILO).
Galenson, W. 1981. The International Labour Organization: An American View (Madison, University of Wisconsin Press).
Ghébali, V.-Y. (et al.). 1989. International Labour Organisation: A case study on the evolution of UN specialised agencies (Dordrecht, Martinus Nijhoff).
Ghebali, V.-Y. (et al.). 1987. L'Organisation internationale du travail (OIT) (Genève, Georg).
Guinand, C. 2008. “La création de l'AISS et l'OIT”, en Revue Internationale de Sécurité Sociale, Vol. 61, No. 1, pp.91-109. (Available in English) (Disponible en español)
Herrera León, F.; Herrera González, P. (Coordinadores). 2013. América Latina y la Organización Internacional del Trabajo: redes, cooperación técnica e institucionalidad social, 1919-1950 (Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas de la Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo; Centro de Estudios Históricos de la Universidad de Monterrey; Programa de Pós-graduação em História da Universidade Federal Fluminense).
Hildago-Weber, O. 2017. La Grande-Bretagne et L’Organisation Internationale du Travail (1919-1946) (Louvain-la-Neuve, Academia-L'Harmattan; Genève, Global Studies Institute de l'Université de Genève).
Hislop, R. 1961. The United States and the Soviet Union in the ILO (Ann Arbor, MO, University Microfilms).
Hughes, S.; Haworth, N. 2011. The International Labour Organization (ILO): coming in from the cold (Abingdon, Routledge).
International Labour Organization. 1996. “75 years of the International Labour Review: A retrospective”, in International Labour Review, Vol. 135, Nos. 3-4. (special anniversary issue with selected articles from 1921 to 1975).
Jenks, C.W. 1970. Social Justice in the Law of Nations, the ILO impact after fifty years (London, Oxford University Press).
Jenks, C.W. 1969. Universality and ideology in the ILO (Geneva, ILO).
Jensen, J.M.; Lichtenstein, N. (eds.). 2016. The ILO from Geneva to the Pacific Rim: West meets East (Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan).
Johnston, G.A. 1970. The International Labour Organisation : its work for social and economic progress (London, Europa Publications).
Landelius, T. 1965. Workers, employers and governments - a comparative study of delegations and groups at the International Labour Conference, 1919-1964 (Stockholm, P.A. Norstedt).
Lespinet-Moret, I. ; Viet, V. 2011. L'Organisation internationale du Travail : Origine - développement - avenir (Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes).
Morse, D. 1969. The Origin and Evolution of the ILO and Its Role in the World Community. (Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell University).
Oechslin, J.-J. ; International Organisation of Employers. 2001. L'Organisation internationale des employeurs : trois quarts de siècle au service de l'enterprise (1920-1998) (Genève, OIE.)
Riegelman, L.C.; Winslow, A. 1990. Social Justice for Women: the International Labor Organization and Women (Durham, NC, Duke University Press).
Rodgers, G.; Lee, E.; Swepston, L.; Van Daele, J. 2009. The International Labour Organization and the quest for social justice, 1919-2009 (Geneva, ILO). (Disponible en français) (Disponible en español)
Rodríguez-Piñero, L. 2005. Indigenous People, Postcolonialism, and International Law: The ILO regime (1919-1989) (Oxford, Oxford University Press).
Tosstorff, R. 2005. “The international trade-union movement and the founding of the International Labour Organization”, in International Review of Social History, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 399-433.
Valticos, N. 1996. “The ILO: A retrospective and future view”, in International Labour Review, Vol. 135, No. 3-4, pp.473–480. (Disponible en français) (Disponible en español)
Van Daele, J. 2005. “Engineering social peace: networks, ideas, and the founding of the International Labour Organization”, in International Review of Social History, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp.435-466.
Van Daele, J. (ed.), 2010. ILO Histories: Essays on the International Labour Organization and its impact on the world during the twentieth century (Bern, Peter Lang).
Waline, P. 1976. Un patron au Bureau International du Travail, 1922-1974 (Paris, France-Empire).


I. The Foundational Years (1919-1939)

Barnes, G. 1926. History of the International Labour Office (London, Williams and Norgate Ltd.)
Béguin, B. 1959. ILO and the tripartite system (New York, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace).
Berenstein, A. 1936. Organisations ouvrieres, leurs competences et leur role dans la societe des nations et      notamment dans l'organisation internationale du travail (Paris, Pedone).
Bovin, J.-M. 1998. L’Organisation international du travail: Etude sur une agente productrice de normes (Paris, Presses Universitaires de France).
Cayet, T.; Fridenson, P. 2010. Rationaliser le travail, organiser la production : le Bureau international du Travail et la modernisation économique durant l'entre-deux-guerres (Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes).
Cox, R.W. 1973. "ILO: Limited monarchy", in R.W. Cox; H. Jacobson; G. Curzon (eds.). The anatomy of influence: Decision making in international organization (New Haven and London, Yale University Press), pp. 102-138.
Follows, J.W. 1951. Antecedents of the International Labour Organization (London, Oxford University Press).
Guérin, D. 1996. Albert Thomas au BIT, 1920-1932, De l’internationalisme à l’Europe, (Genève, Institut européen de l’université de Genève).
Hoehtker, D.; Kott, S. (eds). 2015. A la rencontre de l’Europe au travail, Récits de voyages d'Albert Thomas (1920-1932) (Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne/ILO).
Liebeskind Sauthier, I. 2005. L'Organisation internationale du Travail face au chômage : Compétances normatives etcontribution à l´évolution de la pensée économique 1919-1939 (Genève, Université de Genève).
Jenks, C.W. 1934. "The origins of the International Labor Organization", in International Labour Review, Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 575-581. (Disponible en français) (Disponible en español)
Jouhaux, L. 1923. Classe ouvriere, la Societe des nations et le Bureau International du Travail (Paris, Edition De L'Atelier).
Mamudi, R.; International Labour Office. 2009. A survey of the Great Depression as recorded in the International Labour Review, 1931-1939 (Geneva, ILO).
Moynihan, D.P. 1960. The United States and the International Labour Organization, 1889-1934 (PhD Dissertation, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy).
Phelan E., 1949. “Contribution of the ILO to Peace”, in International Labour Review, Vol. 59, No. 6, pp. 607-632. (Disponible en français)
Phelan, E. 1936. Albert Thomas et la création du BIT, 6e édition (Paris, Editions Bernard Grasset).
Phelan, E. 1936. Yes and Albert Thomas (London, The Cresset Press).
Price, J. 1969. ILO - 50 years On (London, Fabian Society).
Scelle, G. 1930. L’Organisation internationale du travail et le BIT (Paris, Lib des Sciences Politiques et Sociales).
Schaper, B.W. 1959. Albert Thomas: Trente ans de réformisme social (Paris-Assen, Presses Universitaires de France and Van Gorcum). Translated: Schaper, B.W. Forthcoming. Albert Thomas: Thirty years of social reform. (Geneva, ILO Century Project).
Shotwell, J.T. (ed.). 1934. The origins of the International Labour Organization. (New York, Columbia University Press), 2 vols.
Thomas, A. 1948. International social policy (Geneva, ILO).
Thomas, A. 1921. "International Labour Organization: its origins, development and future", in International Labour Review, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 5-22. (Disponible en français) (Disponible en español)


II. The ILO and the New World Order (1940-1949)

Brand, G. 1946. “International Labor Organization in transition”, in World Affairs, Vol. 12, pp. 81-9.
Hediger, E. 1945. “The International Labor Organisation and the United Nations”, in Foreign Policy Reports, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 71-79.
International Labour Organization. 2009. Edward Phelan and the ILO: The life and views of an international social actor (Geneva, ILO Century Project).
International Labour Organization. 1931. The International Labour Organsation: The first decade (London, Geroge Allen and Unwin).
Kott, S. 2008. “Une ‘communauté épistémique’ du social? Experts de l’OIT et internationalisation des politiques sociales dans l’entre-deux guerres”, en Genèses, Sciences sociales et histoire, No. 71, pp. 26-46.
Mechi, L. 2013. “Economic regionalism and social stabilization: the International Labour Organization and Western Europe in the early post-war years”, in International History Review, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 844-862.
Penrose, E.F. 1940. “Economic organisation for total war, with special reference to the workers”, in International Labour Review, Vol. 59, No. 4/5, pp.175-213.
Phelan, E.J.; International Labour Office, 1946. The I.L.O. and the United Nations (Montreal, International Labour Office).
Phelan, E.J. 1957. “After Pearl Harbour - ILO Problems”, in Studies, Irish Quarterly Review, Vol. 45, No. 182, pp. 193-206.
Phelan, E.J. 1946. The ILO and the United Nations (Montreal, International Labour Office). (Disponible en français)
Phelan, E.J. 1949. "Contribution of the ILO to peace", in International Labour Review, Vol. 59, No. 6, pp. 607-632. (Disponible en français) (Disponible en español)
Phelan, E.J. 1955. “The ILO sets up its wartime centre in Canada”, in Studies, Irish Quarterly Review, Vol. 44, No. 174, pp. 152-170.
Souamaa, N. 2012. "L'OIT d'un après-guerre à l'autre : entre modèle universel et régionalisme européen", en Les Cahiers Irice, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 23-46.
Winant, J.G. 1941. ILO in wartime and after (New York, Hamilton Fish Armstrong).


The Declaration of Philadelphia

French, J.D. 1994. “The Declaration of Philadelphia and the Global Social Charter of the United Nations, 1944-45”, in International Labour Standards and Economic Interdependence (Geneva, ILO), pp. 17-26.
Ghebali, V. 2013. Organisation internationale et guerre mondiale: le cas de la Société des Nations et de l'Organisation internationale du travail pendant la Seconde guerre mondiale (Bruxelles, Bruylant).
Lee, E. 1994. "Declaration of Philadelphia: retrospect and prospect", in International Labour Review, Vol. 133, No. 4, pp. 467-484. (Disponible en français) (Disponible en español)
Somavía, J.; International Labour Office. 2004. 60th Anniversary of the Declaration of Philadelphia (Geneva, ILO). (Disponible en español)
Supiot, A. 2012. The Spirit of Philadelphia: social justice vs. the total market (New York, Verso).
Supiot, A. 2010. L'esprit de Philadelphie : La justice sociale face au marché total. (Paris, Éditions du Seuil).


III. Cold War, Decolonization & Technical Assistance (1949-1990)

Cold War

Blanchard, F. 2004. L'Organisation internationale du Travail: de la guerre froide à un nouvel ordre mondial (Paris, Seuil).
Downs, M.C. 1971. Study of Soviet participation in the international labor organization with emphasis on the period 1960-1964 (Notre Dame, IN, University of Notre Dame).
Golovko, A. 2012. L’URSS à l’Organisation Internationale du Travail – naissance d’une collaboration entre Est et Ouest, 1954-1965 (Mémoire présenté pour l’obtention du Master en études européennes) (Genève, Université de Genève).
Jacobson, H. 1960. “The USSR and the ILO”, in International Organization, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 402-428.
Keppy, P. 2015. “Organizing World Peace: The International Labour Organisation from the Second World War to the Cold War” in Seeking Peace in the Wake of War: Europe, 1943-1947 (Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press), pp. 297–314.
Kott, S. 2011. “Par delà la guerre froide, les Organisations internationales et les circulations Est-Ouest (1947-1973)”, in Vingtième Siècle Revue d’histoire, Vol. 109, pp. 129-143.
Macshane, Denis. 1992. International Labour and the origins of the Cold War (Oxford, Clarendon Press).
Rubinstein, A.Z. 1964. The Soviets in International Organizations: Changing Policy Toward Developing Countries, 1953-1963 (New Jersey, Princeton University Press).



Maul, D.R. 2007. “The International Labour Organization and the Struggle against Forced Labour from 1919 to the Present”, in Labor History, Vol. 48, No.4, pp. 477-500.
Maul, D.R. 2009. “’Help them move the ILO way.’ The International Labor Organization and the modernization discourse in the era of decolonization and the cold war,” in Diplomatic History, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 387-404.
Maul, Maul, D. R, 2010. “The ‘Morse Years’” in Van Daele, J. (ed.) ILO Histories: Essays on the International Labour Organization and its impact on the world during the twentieth century (Bern, Peter Lang). Pp. 365-400.
Maul, D.R.; International Labour Office. 2012. Human rights, Development and Decolonization: the International Labour Organization, 1940-70 (Geneva, ILO).
Morse, D.A. 1959. “The I.L.O. and Africa”, in Civilisations, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 2–16. (Disponible en français)
Norsky, K.K. 1951. The influence of the international labour organization on principles of social policy in non-metropolitan territories (Oxford, Oxford University).
Rodgers, G. 2011. “India, the ILO and the Quest for Social Justice since 1919” in Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 46, No. 10, pp. 45-52.


IV. The ILO and globalization (1990-2019)

Fish. J. 2017. Domestic Workers of the World Unite!: A Global Movement for Dignity and Human Rights (New York: NYU Press).
Helfer, L.R. 2006. "Understanding change in international organizations: Globalization and innovation in the ILO", in Vanderbilt Law Review, Vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 649-726.
Hansenne, M. 1999. Un garde-fou pour la mondialisation : le BIT dans l'après-guerre froide (Gerpinnes, Editions Quorum; Carouge-Genève, Editions Zoé).
Maupain, F. 2000. “L’OIT, la justice sociale et la mondialisation” in Hague Academy of International Law & Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (The Hague; Boston; London, M. Nijhoff Publ.)
Maupain, F. 2001. “Le renouveau du débat normatif à l'OIT : de la fin de la guerre froide à la mondialisation“ in Bulletin de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité sociale (Bordeaux, Université Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV).
Maupain, F. 2012. L'OIT à l'épreuve de la mondialisation financière : peut-on réguler sans contraindre? (Genève, BIT).
Maupain, F. 2013. The Future of the International Labour Organization in the Global Economy (Oxford, Hart Publishers).
Standing, G., 2008. “The ILO: An agency for globalization?” in Development and Change. Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 355-384.
Stiglitz, J. 2013. “The global crisis, social protection and jobs”, in International Labour Review, Vol. 152, No. S1, pp. 103-117. 
Supiot, A. 2010. Contribution à une analyse juridique de la crise économique de 2008. [Thème spécial :] La crise mondiale (Genève, BIT). (Disponible en español)


Decent Work

Dehoumon, M. 2012. La discrimination au travail en Afrique: analyse des procédés de l'OIT (Paris, L'Harmattan).
Ghai, D.; International Labour Office. 2006. Decent work: objectives and strategies (Geneva, ILO).
MacNaughton, G.; Frey, D. 2016. “Decent Work, Human Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals” in Georgetown Journal of International Law, Vol. 47, No. 2, pp.607–664.
Louis, M. 2011. L'Organisation Internationale du Travail et le travail décent : un agenda social pour le multilatéralisme (Paris, L'Harmattan).
Santillán, E.G.; Garza, E.G.; Palencia, E.P. 2011. “El trabajo decente: nuevo paradigma para el fortalecimiento de los derechos sociales/ Decent work: new paradigm for strengthening social rights”, in Revista Mexicana de Sociología, Vol. 73, No. 1, pp.73–104.
Torres, R. 2009. The financial and economic crisis: A decent work response (Geneva, ILO). (Disponible en français) (Disponible en español)
Servais, J.-M. (et al.). 2007. Working for better times: rethinking work for the 21st century, Geneva: ILO.