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The Standards Initiative: Cartier Working Party

Overview of the Cartier Working Party

At its 262nd Session (March-April 1995), the Governing Body decided, on the recommendation of the Committee on Legal Issues and International Labour Standards, to establish a working party on policy regarding the revision of standards. The Working Party was instructed to examine the questions raised in the document entitled "Standard-setting policy: The revision of international labour standards and other related issues", 1 in particular in paragraphs 67 and 30, and to make its recommendations to the Committee. It was also to examine the question of the criteria that could be applied to the revision of standards.
(Source: p.2 GB.264/L1LS/WP/PRS/1 )

The Working Party, which held 14 meetings in total, concluded its work in March 2002. It formulated a significant number of proposals that were unanimously approved by the Commission on Legal Issues and International Labour Standards (LILS Commission) and the Governing Body.

From Cartier Working Party


During the April 1995 discussions in the LILS Committee, several speakers, including the spokesperson for the Government members, emphasized the need to establish a conceptual framework to serve as a guide for the revision of standards and for the drafting of new Conventions. 17 A conceptual analysis as recommended within the LILS Committee would not seem to be in any way superfluous. 

Source: GB.264/L1LS/WP/PRS/1

Follow-up to the recommendations of the Working Party: (b) information note on the progress of work and decisions taken regarding the revision of standards; Papers of the Governing Body. 283rd Session (Mar. 2002)

Key Documents

Cartier Working Party Documents 1995 - 2002